Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Day One

Well, its the day after New Years Day...I guess its pretty cliche to start something like this at the beginning of the year, but you'll get over it.

This blog is titled The Grant Life...I tried to pick The Good Life, but that was taken (Duh?!) so this alternative popped in my head (Grant is our last name if you haven't figured it out yet)...might not be too imaginative, but I'm new at this...Plus, I'm an engineer and we're not known as the most creative with language (see: Engi-nerd)

So, I decided to start this blog for a couple of reasons. One, because everyone's doing it, Mom!!! and I felt I needed to try this out.

Two, to try and document my attempt to get back in shape (woohoo...another cliche)...

so here goes....its Jan 2 and I am starting on the P90X Workout Routine ...I chose this workout because my fiance (it always feels weird saying that, can't wait till we get married so I don't ever have to say that again) had the DVDs and it seemed worth trying...Its actually a pretty hard workout incorporating many disciplines that I have ignored in my previous workout life.

For a little background, I started working out regularly in college at the University of Florida -GO GATORS!!!!! - and I've been in pretty good shape for most of my life...

Me and my sister about 2001 at an outdoor concert in California...

and then me, looking a bit cheezy, in Sept 05.

Then I went on my snowboarding trip over New Year's in 05...we were in Colorado and we had a blast...

...until I landed on my shoulder a little hard...and a few hundred times too many....

So now my shoulder is screwed up...I have messed up both shoulders a bit in the past so I put on my doctor's cap and do my best to imitate the shoulder therapy I've undergone in my past...This actually works for a shoulder feels a little better and I can still workout if I'm really careful...

and then I'm out on the boat one beautiful Sunday and someone suggests can I pass that up? BIG MISTAKE...the next day I could hardly move my left arm...

and so I try if someone is reading this and is considering surgery, think long and hard about, its is very, very painful...and the rehab is long...both of those wouldn't matter to me if I got my shoulder back healthy...but I didn' fact in some ways I think its worth....

for those interested...this is what the inside of my shoulder looks like:

Don't ask me what any of it is...I was a little asleep for the grand tour...

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